I work at the intersection of design, technology and visual arts.

My professional profile is a combination of computer science and fine arts education, interactive design skills and knowledge of photography.

I am interested in designing interfaces for complex software, devising good user experiences for ML / AI and big data systems, information design, data visualization, generative art and computational design.

I have been designing and programming user interfaces, applications and websites for a variety of software companies, design studios and R&D labs. Nowadays, I mostly work with startups in the role of UX / UI / Product Designer, helping them turn their innovations into products users want to buy.

Download the official resume PDF, connect on LinkedIn or contact me to request my professional portfolio..


My humble UX Manifesto contains a few brief observations on working in the roles of UX/UI/Product Designer.

See Library for a list of books that fuel my interests or get a glimpse of my design process on the Moleskine page.

The dynamic portrait above comes from the Scrambler project.


I am based in Montreal, Canada.
Find me at .

You can also follow my photographic notebook on Instagram.

What is in the name? Pixelbox is an imaginary sandbox of ideas where I get to play with colored pixels.