Project Blizzard
Project Waves
Project Clock


I am writing a book about creative coding using Canvas technology.

It is meant for beginners. If you are a creative type interested in learning how to write generative art or design programs, it is for you. If you are a technologist who wants to explore the creative possibilities of programming, it is for you.

The book is designed around learn by example concept and contains 10 generative graphics projects. Both the programming and design of each piece are discussed in great detail. Explanations are enhanced with infographic-style sketches and illustrated with many images.


The technologies used in the book are Canvas and JavaScript, which means that projects can be showcased on the Web and require no investment in any specialized tools or applications.

You can use the included projects as a starting point for your creative coding adventures.

As a related side project, I am working on a curated list of resources related to using Canvas technology in the context of creative coding.


The book will be completed sometime in 2024. I plan to post regular updates on my progress.

If you want to be notified about the development, send me an email at .

The stills above point to some of my existing generative projects. You can expect similar content in the upcoming book but with detailed explanations of the source code and extensive making of discussion.